Accelerate with Intention

Growth and Leadership Coaching for high impact people and teams in tech and an expert personal brand strategist 

Jason Frazell

meet jason

Jason Frazell is a highly sought-after Growth and Leadership Coach serving high-impact individuals and teams in the technology space and a leading expert in personal branding for CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, and side hustlers.

Jason is the founder of Jason Frazell Coaching, an executive and leadership coaching firm offering one-on-one coaching, group programs, and speaking and workshops. Jason is a Gallup Global Strengths Coach, specializing in using the CliftonStrengths assessment (formerly Strengthsfinder 2.0) and an Everything DiSC partner through Wiley and Sons. He is also a leader at Accomplishment Coaching, a premier International Coaching Federation coach training program where he is also an internationally accredited coach.

As a personal brand strategist with Brand Builders Group, Jason works with a variety of clients, ranging from 7 figure entrepreneurs looking to expand their empire to first-time side hustlers looking to turn their brand into their full-time gig.

Prior to moving his own side hustle to full-time, Jason was an award-winning sales professional, working at a variety of technology firms, ranging from F100 to startups at various levels of funding.

Jason’s personal assessments

I am the only person in the world with the name ‘Jason Frazell’ (if you find another Jason Frazell in the world, send me a message!). As my client, you’ll have access to the same all-encompassing personal assessments I use to identify my natural strengths and abilities (and areas for improvement).

Jason’s Personal Assessments Results

Jason Frazell Enneagram

Enneagram Type 7

iD - Everything DiSC®

Jason Frazell 16 Types
Jason Frazell Everything DiSC

The 16 Types

CliftonStrengths 34 profile

Jason Frazell CliftonStrengths

Certifications and Strategic Partnerships

Personal Brand Strategist-BBG

LifeHikes/OTR Coach

Exec Facilitator @ Round

Graduate of Accomplishment Coaching and spent three years leading programs in NY and Hybrid
Graduate of HPS

Coach on CoachHub
Hold an ICF credential

Helping clients to…

Tap into their true potential as a leader

Grow their teams as they
grow themselves

Find a new job and excel once they start it

Launch their side hustle and move it to full time work

Achieve accelerated results with less effort and time 

Go after that promotion that felt so far away in less time than they thought possible  

Rekindle their interest and passion for their work

featured on these podcasts.

more about jason

Originally hailing from the great state of Minnesota, where I also graduated from the University of Minnesota (go Gophers!), I traded in the frigid winters for the energy and drive of New York City. Now, a proud New Yorker, I currently split my time between Brooklyn and the Catskills with my amazing wife, our seven-year-old daughter and two-year-old son, and our puppy (because we are crazy) Sunny. 

When I'm not coaching, doing brand strategy work or leading groups, you can find me:

  • Building Lego sets with my daughter and nerding out that she’s really good at building sets on her own (proud dad moment!)

  • Honing my sharp wit with improv and comedy classes

  • Enjoying our home with friends and family in the Catskills

  • Influencing my son to become a Dead Head to impress his classmates

follow jason on instagram

Take a free assessment

(Yes, it’s really free!)

Discover who you are with a free assessment. It’s the easiest (and quickest) way to learn about your personality, strengths and values and how those characteristics can impact your relationships in all areas of your life.